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First Aid Advice

Nosebleeds and how to treat them

Nosebleeds are not uncommon and can be caused by many things.  It is not unusual for children to have spontaneous nosebleeds during growth spurts, but anyone suffering from regular unexplained nosebleeds must seek professional medical advice. 

So, when you are faced with a child loosing blood from their nose, don’t panic!  It will look worse than it is, especially if smeared across their face with tears and snot added in for good measure. 

Peak Skills - nosebleeds

Sit the child down and lean them forwards.  Ask them to pinch the soft part of their nose just below the bridge and fetch a bowl or handful of tissues for them to spit into if they get blood in their mouth so they don’t swallow it and then feel sick as well.  Keep pinching for ten minutes while you ask the child how the nosebleed started.  After ten minutes slowly release the pressure and have a look to see if the bleeding has stopped.  If it has stopped you can carefully clean them up, if not, ask them to pinch again for another ten minutes then release and check again. 

If the nosebleed has not stopped after half an hour the child should be taken to the hospital, unless the nosebleed was caused by a hard enough blow to have caused further damage, in which case they should be taken immediately.  Once a nosebleed has stopped it is important the child should be encouraged not to pick at it, blow their nose, have hot drinks or exercise for a couple of hours or it may start again! 

Don’t forget – any concerns, get it checked out.  For more information on nosebleeds and other childhood injuries, why not book on to a Peak Skills Paediatric First Aid course today?